Drop-ins OR Single Sessions Classes to Our Evening Program at $31 if Signed up In Advance Online. $33 if paying at the Studio. No Drop-Ins Allowed at Early Program of AM Twice a Week and 4 Day a Week Courses
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With Richard Schachtel Seattle's Most Experienced Yoga Teacher.
A Yoga System For All.
Every two months we offer 8-9 Week Series Classes that meet once a week in the Evening. Most Every Month we offer twice a week Early Morning courses for 4 weeks. Every 3 Months we offer a 4 day a week Yoga Immersion at both the 5:30am as well as the 7:00 times for 4 weeks. 4 different class levels in the Evening Program including Slower Therapeutic Yoga On Friday Nights, Level 1 Beginning Iyengar Yoga, Level 2 Continuing Iyengar Yoga, and Level 3 Intermediate Iyengar Yoga which allow you to develop your skill level gradually and make real improvement. Our Early Morning Program has 2 different levels: Beginner Level 1 Iyengar Yoga, and Level 2 &3 Continuing and Intermediate Iyengar Yoga
The Center for Yoga of Seattle has had some of the Most Popular Teacher Training Programs in the USA. We had the largest program in the Greater Seattle Tacoma with over 250 recent graduates over the past 15 years.STARTING IN APRIL OF 2025 WE ARE OFFERING A 6 MONTH INTRODUCTION TO YOGA TEACHER TRAINING ON MONDAY NITES AT 6:00PM-7:30PM. TO FIND OUT MORE COPY AND PASTE THIS LINK: https://www.yogaseattle.com/teacher-training/
Check back for more details
Be in a special course with a high energy group of committed students who want to go further with their practice of yoga each day. These courses are held Tuesday thru Fridays at 5:30am-6:45am and 7:00am-8:30am. The most important things to know is that you are enrolling in a high quality form of Yoga: Iyengar Yoga and that you are taking from one of the most experienced yoga teachers in the Northwest. Experience the benefits of daily yoga practice in a structured course which takes you further each day
Our Immersion Yoga Courses are some of the best at The Center, meeting 4 times a week for 4-Weeks at 5:30am-7:00am and 7:00am-8:30am (no drop-ins allowed). We offer these immersions every 3 months. We are one of the only Centers in the United States offering these courses. Students quickly learn how to practice & experience the Power of Daily Yoga in their lives! Many of our best students & teachers started here and many of our most dedicated students continue their studies in the immersions. Learn the basic series of postures that you can use for a lifetime! The classes meet 4 DAYS A WEEK FOR 4 WEEKS AND OUR SOME OF THE MOST POWERFUL COURSES WE OFFER. Enrollment is limited. WE OFFER THESE COURSES 5:30AM-6:45AM, 7:00AM-8:30AM TUESDAY THRU FRIDAY FOR 4 WEEKS.WE ARE CURRENTLY RUNNING SPECIALS ON THESE COURSE THIS WEEK ONLY.
Yes We Have Drop-in Classes! Please Keep in Mind That We Teach Iyengar Yoga which may be very different than your previous yoga classes. There are several Evening classes each week that you can drop-in to. While we very much prefer working with students who can commit to attending a regular weekly class in a 4-9 week series, we do accept drop-ins to our Evening once a Week Courses. For those Without Any or Much Recent Iyengar Yoga Background, the Monday at 7:45pm-9:00pm and Thursday 6:00pm-7:30pm Level 1 Beginner Fundamentals Course can be appropriate. But for those who Need to go Slower we have a Slower Iyengar Yoga Class on Friday Nits 6:30pm-7:45pm. Our Tuesday 6:00pm-7:30pm Continuing Iyengar Yoga is for those who Are Currently Practicing Iyengar Yoga. The Level 2 Class has an intensity to it, so you must not only know the Fundamentals of Iyengar Yoga but are ready to Work in a Stronger and Deeper Way. Our Wednesday Night Level 3 Intermediate Iyengar Yoga is for those who have a Long and Current History of Practicing Iyengar Yoga.This class includes poses from all categories. Tuesday and Wednesdays are Not For Those Who Don't Currently Practice Iyengar Yoga. The Friday Night Slower Yoga Class is for those who need to Go Slowly. It can be an ideal class for those who need a slower pace. This class is our most Theraputic Class in our Program excepting Private Lessons. Single Drop-In Classes are $32 if you sign up in advance on our Website, or $34 for those who show up at the studio without signing up in advance. Please Arrive 10-15 Minutes Early if you are coming as a Drop-In Student so that we can talk to you(and other new students), have you Fill Out a New Student Form, and Still Start The Class On Time.SEE THIS WEEKS SCHEDULE ON THE TABLE ABOVE
We are one of only Yoga Centers in the US to offer Multiple Week Pranayama Courses. Pranayama, the Yoga Art of Regulation of the Breath is a sublte, Porfound, and Powerful Practice for Established Students in Iyengar Yoga. We offer this course only 1 time each year and you can take it(if qualified) either in-studio or live Online. Each August And December We have Our 5 day Yoga Practice Week featuring many hours of daily Asana and Pranayama Practice for those with Experience in Iyengar Yoga. You can also learn more about Iyengar Yoga with Specialized Theme Based Workshops. These 2-3 HR, Full Weekend, or 5 Day Practice Intensives workshops provide access to information that isn't available in such depth as at regular weekly classes. They help you know more about, for example, how to Open Your Hips OR get comfortable with Inversions. You can make physical and mental breakthroughs in many of these deep practice sessions. Highly recommended to learn more!
Private lessons for 1-2 people can be useful if: you have back, neck,knee problems & are looking for specialized therapeutic ways to use yoga to get better; you have a problem with basic poses in group classes; you're looking for guidance in developing an at home yoga practice; you're getting back to exercise & want to be sure you can do yoga.
Once a Week Courses
Authentic Iyengar yoga doesn't keep the room artificially heated to sauna like temperatures; we keep it comfortable. We don't play music when we teach; you should hear the valuable things your teacher says, be calm & quiet within, and hear your breath. We don't need to be more overstimulated than we already are in modern life. We don't blend in weight lifting; Iyengar yoga develops useful strength & good body tone. Yoga correctly done is enough to offer immense benefits for your mind & body.
The Center is known as a remarkably welcoming place: for the brand new beginner, for the student who has tried and practiced other methods of yoga but is looking for more, as well as for the dedicated student looking for more expert feedback and guidance for their practice.
Richard Schachtel is one of the most highly trained and experienced yoga teachers in the Northwestern United States. He has assembled a group of talented, inspiring and relatable teachers to form his staff. The Center's teachers are all serious students of yoga who practice what they teach! Many have trained with Richard in his weekly classes or his teacher training courses, and have personally apprenticed with him.
Earn a 200 HR Teaching Credential.
Deepen Your Practice.